Mantillas and Pearl Combs and Shawls, oh my!

 I’m a silly, silly woman and I have a strapless dress in January. Now I’m trying to find a cover-up that won’t clash with my super-pretty, super-feminine mantilla veil. Any suggestions? 

Marriage-prep in my diocese is less than ideal. Well, I’m sure the diocese program is just fine, but the parish led pre-cana I attended was, not so much. Basically my fiance and I paid 180 dollars to spend a whole Saturday learning that we’ll probably fight about money and we need to know how to talk to each other. Shockingly enough, those two things I managed to pluck out for myself after dating him for over a year and being engaged for nine months. Anyway…

Tonight a good friend, who is doing my hair for the wedding, is coming over to practice. 🙂 The basic style will be something like this:

mantilla hair style


To clarify, that is not me. It’s an image of how I’d like my hair to look. The below image is, shocker, not of me either, but is of my very veil. 


from David's Bridal

from David


So, the question now is, what kind of wrap, shawl, bolero, shrug, etc. can I wear that won’t make this veil look absurd? It’s mostly for during the ceremony, as I am not going to wear the veil at the reception. I was thinking of getting a comb with some pearls or something like that to put in my hair for the reception. 



So, any ideas?


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5 responses to “Mantillas and Pearl Combs and Shawls, oh my!

  1. Laura B.

    What about something like a white cashmere shrug? It would be simple and classic and it wouldn’t detract from the drama of your dress and veil plus it’s something that you could wear even after the wedding in your everyday wardrobe. I will look around to see if I can find any specific examples online and I will send you links if I do.


  2. Laura B.

    This is a pretty angora shrug from Express in white. It’s not very expensive, either.

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